I never thought that I would be able to do a renovation such as this. I can get by with youtube and going to Home Depot and Lowes asking the professionals there for some help. I have done some small projects in the past but nothing to the degree of difficulty it was to remodel my garage. With help from family and friends, it was a dream come true. I wanted to make space a professional studio space that would be welcoming and have all the essentials I would need to start my business Vital At Last. 

The garage was in rough shape to start. It was a garage with the usual wear and tear along with damage to the existing drywall. Everything needed to be taken down from the walls and electrical needed to be moved so that I could start the renovation. It involved taking down shelving, lighting, and removing plywood among other things as well.

The next step was to install a separate entrance to the studio. The outside of my home is brick so I had to find a construction crew that was able to put in a new exterior door. 

Once the door was installed I was able to start insulating the walls and that was followed by drywall and mudding. During that process, we put in new electrical outlets. 

Textured the walls with orange peel style, then primed and painted the entire studio and installed cove molding with LED rope lighting. The existing floor was in rough shape so we used a paint removal product to strip the paint and then epoxied the floor. 

The ceiling fan was installed with LED lighting. Then the fun began with putting the space together with furniture and equipment.

Schedule your appointment and leave feeling Vital At Last!