The Path to Success is to Take Massive Determined Action

During my first semester of College, my baseball career was quickly in the rear view mirror. I was injured in a car accident that left my dreams of playing baseball and at the time my future on hold. After multiple injuries, surgeries and an extensive road of rehabilitation I regained the ability to attempt a comeback. Thinking I could resume College and try to play Baseball again – I was mistaken. Shortly after my car accident I was diagnosed with Leukemia in early 2007. I battled Leukemia for 4 years and with the amazing help from many doctors, healthcare professionals and with determination and will power I can proudly say that I have been cancer free since 2011.
Experiencing first hand how each medical professional I encountered was uniquely able to help me and show their passion for caring inspired me. It’s what I was meant to do – to help others heal and regain what they are passionate about. I received my Physical Therapist Assistant degree in 2012. In school during one of my clinical rotations I was mentored by two amazing Physical Therapists who to this day have inspired me to be the best I can be. One of the therapists studied through the Institute of Physical Art. The way he treated his patients inspired me greatly and illuminated what Physical Therapy could actually do. Ever since, I have pursued a greater understanding of the human body through many courses of study at the Institute of Physical Art. I am driven by the passion to help others reach their optimum functional capabilities and free them of pain – for me, that’s vital. The drive to and fulfillment of seeing the joy on each of my patient’s faces when they leave my office or return for their next treatment assure me that I’m making a difference. I take comfort seeing the look of hope at each visit and then the return and ability to a more vital way of living – one without pain , one where my clients can once again enjoy their favorite activities and enjoy time with their family.
I am a Colorado Native from the Boulder area. I enjoy skiing, running and water sports. I love spending time with my wife Danette and two dogs, traveling, hiking, paddle boarding, and adventuring in the mountains.